For two years, I wrote a newspaper column about the misadventures of the Dogwood pack. Our pack consists of my six dogs ,two cats, and me. We have the Queen and oldest, Lucy the Lab. Then there's my special Child, Charlie, a German Shepherd/lab mix who owns me. My rat terror (I mean terrier) Hines keeps us in check, while Italian grey hound/terrier mix Daisy destroys the furniture. Our sweet cat Pearl, who passed away in August of 2010 from complications brought on by Feline Leukemia, was a lone feline for her short five year existence. When she passed, orange long hair tabby kitty Bart, and Siamese Flame Point Sebastian moved into our hearts.

When we moved to a new town, I was unable to continue the columns, so we decided to stick our paws into the 21st century.
Since the move, TWO MORE sets of paws run the floors at Dogwood. Linus, a little black lab, and Squirt the Chi-Weenie.

Now that we have moved onto blog media, I will keep the mayhem of my fur kids adventures updated as they happen. I also want to post special needs animals and stories about shelters and people who are doing wonderful work for rescue. Since this is no longer edited or censored--you may see images that are a bit more shocking, and read copy that has a bit more venom--so be prepared. Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!!!

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Monday, September 26, 2011

And as the Cardboard disappears........

We are finally settling in, and have the major traffic areas of the house in a functional shape. I still have one bed room and a garage full of boxes to deal with, but I will have to unpack those as we go. My only despair is the fact that I have no idea where half of my things are, and it will more than likely take another 6 months before I can locate anything with confidence.
We won't even get into the whole story of getting lost in the middle of the night while trying to find a bathroom.
So far, living off the main drag has been exactly what we needed--PEACEFUL!  I love to go out for my last smoke of the evening, and just sit and look up at the stars. We have no street light or anything, and it is pitch black on my patio unless the moon is out. The stars are so bright and beautiful.
But when the four legged felons are out in the yard, I have flood lights to keep track of them. Though we have a porch light out there, the murkiness simply swallowed my black lab LUCY. So I figured the floods would help me keep tabs on everybody as they look for the new perfect spot in the back yard to desecrate.
Our new pet sitter, Carol, has been a true blessing for us and to the kids. She runs a local pet lover business called "Ears A Floppin'". My band of merry madcaps enjoy her company and love to play with her in the back yard. Even my special little guy Hines has warmed up to her--and we all know that Hines doesn't just love everybody. I hope that we can keep Carol with the Dogwood Pack  for a long long time.
The commute to work is a bout thirty minutes more per day, but strangely enough, it's worth it. I can come home, go outside with my babies, and relax on the patio while they play with their toys and chase each other about the yard. I no longer have to worry about 50 people coming and going at once from the rental properties and apartments that had been built up around us like a fort on Madison Street.  This would set the dogs barking and upset everyone, including them. Now it's peaceful and semi quiet unless Daisy decides to sing to us.
We have the old house cleaned up, but I have a few fix-it jobs I want to do before it goes on the market. Keep your eyes peeled for an older fixer upper home on Madison for sale SOOON!!!!
So that's the update from New Dogwood. More to come! STAY TUNED!

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