For two years, I wrote a newspaper column about the misadventures of the Dogwood pack. Our pack consists of my six dogs ,two cats, and me. We have the Queen and oldest, Lucy the Lab. Then there's my special Child, Charlie, a German Shepherd/lab mix who owns me. My rat terror (I mean terrier) Hines keeps us in check, while Italian grey hound/terrier mix Daisy destroys the furniture. Our sweet cat Pearl, who passed away in August of 2010 from complications brought on by Feline Leukemia, was a lone feline for her short five year existence. When she passed, orange long hair tabby kitty Bart, and Siamese Flame Point Sebastian moved into our hearts.

When we moved to a new town, I was unable to continue the columns, so we decided to stick our paws into the 21st century.
Since the move, TWO MORE sets of paws run the floors at Dogwood. Linus, a little black lab, and Squirt the Chi-Weenie.

Now that we have moved onto blog media, I will keep the mayhem of my fur kids adventures updated as they happen. I also want to post special needs animals and stories about shelters and people who are doing wonderful work for rescue. Since this is no longer edited or censored--you may see images that are a bit more shocking, and read copy that has a bit more venom--so be prepared. Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!!!

TO COMMENT: Write your comment in the open box and select ANONYMOUS. You can sign your name in your comment so we know who said what-LOL

Friday, December 14, 2012

The REAL Story of Rudolph

I received this in an email from a very dear friend. It touched me very deeply, as I can so easily identify with it's origins. I just wanted to share it with our Dogwood family.

The True Story of Rudolph

A man named Bob May, depressed and brokenhearted, stared out his drafty apartment window into the chilling December night.
His 4-year-old daughter Barbara sat on his lap quietly sobbing. Bob's wife, Evelyn, was dying of cancer Little Barbara couldn't understand why her mommy could never come home. Barbara looked up into her dad's eyes and asked, "Why isn't Mommy just like everybody else's Mommy?" Bob's jaw tightened and his eyes welled with tears. Her question brought waves of grief, but also of anger. It had been the story of Bob's life. Life always had to be different for Bob.
Small when he was a kid, Bob was often bullied by other boys. He was too little at the time to compete in sports. He was often called names he'd rather not remember. From childhood, Bob was different and never seemed to fit in. Bob did complete college, married his loving wife and was grateful to get his job as a copywriter at Montgomery Ward during the Great Depression. Then he was blessed with his little girl. But it was all short-lived. Evelyn's bout with cancer stripped them of all their savings and now Bob and his daughter were forced to live in a two-room apartment in the Chicago slums. Evelyn died just days before Christmas in 1938.
Bob struggled to give hope to his child, for whom he couldn't even afford to buy a Christmas gift. But if he couldn't buy a gift, he was determined to make one - a storybook! Bob had created an animal character in his own mind and told the animal's story to little Barbara to give her comfort and hope. Again and again Bob told the story, embellishing it more with each telling. Who was the character? What was the story all about? The story Bob May created was his own autobiography in fable form. The character he created was a misfit outcast like he was. The name of the character? A little reindeer named Rudolph, with a big shiny nose. Bob finished the book just in time to give it to his little girl on Christmas Day. But the story doesn't end there.
The general manager of Montgomery Ward caught wind of the little storybook and offered Bob May a nominal fee to purchase the rights to print the book. Wards went on to print,_ Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer_ and distribute it to children visiting Santa Claus in their stores. By 1946 Wards had printed and distributed more than six million copies of Rudolph. That same year, a major publisher wanted to purchase the rights from Wards to print an updated version of the book.
In an unprecedented gesture of kindness, the CEO of Wards returned all rights back to Bob May. The book became a best seller. Many toy and marketing deals followed and Bob May, now remarried with a growing family, became wealthy from the story he created to comfort his grieving daughter. But the story doesn't end there either.
Bob's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, made a song adaptation to Rudolph. Though the song was turned down by such popular vocalists as Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore , it was recorded by the singing cowboy, Gene Autry. "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was released in 1949 and became a phenomenal success, selling more records than any other Christmas song, with the exception of "White Christmas."
The gift of love that Bob May created for his daughter so long ago kept on returning back to bless him again and again. And Bob May learned the lesson, just like his dear friend Rudolph, that being different isn't so bad. In fact, being different can be a blessing.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Rafi Johnson as she works to correct the vanalism done to her rescue vehicle last weekend. Someone poured sugar water into her gas tank, cauing terrible damage to the engine.
Christmas time has a special effect on people.  Maybe it’s the change in the weather. Maybe it’s the green holly and silver garlands that dress every window and tree trunk.  Perhaps it’s the smell of peppermint candy and baking cookies. Whatever the stimulus, Christmas time makes a heart grow two sizes and begin to feel a special love and peace.

But even the spirit of Christmas can’t change all hearts.   

On Saturday night, December 8th, someone poured sugar water into the gas tank of the rescue vehicle used by Willies Happy Endings Animal Rescue in Woodlawn TN.

Willies Happy Endings is a nonprofit rescue that provides older animals a place to “retire”. Shelter founder and animal lover, Rafi Johnson, has helped many animals with illnesses and handicaps live out their golden years in love, comfort, and in a place they can call home. Johnson has also reached out to other animals in need, volunteering at the Clarksville Animal Control, and working diligently with other rescues to help animals find that forever place in someone’s heart.

It is unknown at this time why the Nissan XTerra, lovingly called the “ WHE Waggin” was vandalized.  But the effect of the damage has rippled outward in dangerous ways.  What started as a mean prank and act of stupidity by some careless person or persons unknown almost cost Rafi Johnson, and her two young children, serious injury.

After leaving her Woodlawn home and attempting to enter the highway, the vehicle died, causing the brakes and steering to lock up. Johnson was unable to brake at a stop sign and rolled out into oncoming traffic that was traveling at the disabled vehicle at 55 mph.

The WHE Wagin, escaped collision by the grace of the good Lord and no one was hurt.

But now, the WHE Waggin needs extensive repair. Johnson has already placed over four hundred dollars toward fixing  the vehicle, but it will need more work to run correctly and be brought back to its previous durability.

The vehicle known as the WHE Waggin is more than just a set of wheels. It is a symbol of hope in the animal rescue community. 

The yellow SUV has provided transport for countless pups and kitties, abandoned in empty houses or dumped along roadsides.  This vehicle has provided many of what Johnson calls “Freedom Rides” for the animals she has saved from certain destruction at Clarksville Animal Control. Not only does this vehicle provide escape for condemned animals, but it provides the vital daily transportation for rescue business.  Vet visits, picking up donations of food and litter, and countless other tasks are done in the WHE Waggin. 

But of all of its functions, the most important is that of carrying precious cargo to forever homes and places in the heart.

What I’m asking of you today is simple.
I am asking for you to join me in donating FIVE DOLLARS to the repair of this vital tool that supports Willies Happy Endings.

I’m asking you to GET ON THE WAGGIN!!!

Donate FIVE DOLLARS. That’s all.

 If you have a HUNDRED, I’m not going to poo poo you away.

But FIVE DOLLARS is all I’m asking.

How about this? I’ll get the ball rolling with TWENTY! (Done)
 Made via gofundme or paypal to the Willie Happy Endings site and earmarked for the WHE WAGGIN FUND.

You can also call and donate directly to North Stewart vet clinic at 931- 232-9900.

You can find all of these methods at their  website:

Christmas is a time of miracles. Together, we can help this shelter back on its wheels so that many, many more freedom rides and forever home drives can be given to those in need.




Thursday, November 15, 2012


Available for the first time--the first DOGWOOD PROJECTS published item---a Christmas Coloring book called
"Here comes Santa Paws--Christmas in Fur Town"

This is a HAND DRAWN coloring book (by yours truly) with a full story and activities.

So this is actually a child's story book that you can read to your kids, allow them to color the pictures, and then enjoy over and over. They get to decide what colors go into their own personal story book, and you can have the joy of reading it with them.

The book is printed on white paper with a full color cover (pictured above) and bound with a comb binding so that little ones can open the book flat and never have to sway the previous page while they color--or bend the spine out of shape.

The coloring books are $8 dollars each--and will make great stocking suffers or gifts.

What am I doing with the money???

Well- like any business--I have to put the money spent for printing back in the bank. But my hope is to sponsor an animal for adoption or possibly for spay/neuter, or whatever needs done. I'm not going to get rich off this --but some little fur legged waif will benefit.

Come on people--you know me.  There's no way an animal or two or however many won't benefit from anything I try to do.

If you would like to order a book--or look at some sample pages--please email me at or shoot me a private message on my Facebook page.

I will print your order, bind it, and let you know when I will be mailing it. Then you can send your payment.

Hope that everyone out there has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Two years ago, I was cleaning in the middle room of the front building at Cats Are Us. I usually had a job of cleaning in the back building, but poop is poop, no matter what room you’re in. We were short handed, and I volunteered to take on an extra space.

Cats Are Us was always therapy for me. Dogwood had lost one of it's own just a few months before, our beloved Pearl, to Feline Leukemia.  Being at the shelter was comforting to me. My little girl used to put her little pink paw on my cheek , almost as a reassurance that whatever life was bringing us at that moment, that everything would be alright. I missed her terribly, and I longed for that comforting touch.

We had adopted little Bart after Pearl left us. He was a tiny thing when he first came to Dogwood--but we soon remedied that!!  But he was still the lone feline of our little fur covered oasis. I had always hated the fact that Feline Leukemia had kept Pearl a lonely kitty.  Better Half and I had discussed the possibility of getting  Bart a friend, but hadn't done anything about it.

As I worked, in that middle room, I kept hearing a little voice chattering away behind me. I was reminder of sweet Girlsy, the little talker who used to keep me company in the back room at Cats Are Us.  She too had crossed the Rainbow Bridge that year.

This room held many felines, and after hearing the talk for awhile, I was a man on a mission to find it. I finally looked to a large cage that sat in the back of the room. One dark, fluffy boy who sat on the bottom of the enclosure looked at me wide eyed, as if to say, “It wasn’t me pal.” 

But I heard the chatter monkey again, and bent down to look into the darker top of the cage.   On a high perch in the upper corner of the cage sat a beautiful white feline with faint orange tinted fur, orange tipped ears, gorgeous blue eyes…and a very active mouth.

I opened the door very carefully as not to scare the little one. But I shouldn't have worried. The white beauty sprung into my arms and began to purr like a boat motor. He curled into my arms, cupping his head under my chin as I rubbed his belly.  I was elated. He looked so much like my lost baby, with his white fur and blue eyes.
Then, out of nowhere, he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his… and placed one tiny little pink footed paw on my cheek.

The tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt a tiny piece of my heart revive.  He just held that paw on my face, saying, “It’s OK”.
Needless to say, he became both my third shadow, and Bart's new best pal at Dogwood. We named him Sebastian, and he has both comforted and entertained us ever since.

Today marks two years since that little white and orange soul reminded me that, even though we lose someone special, we can still find the ability to love others.  

Happy Birthday my sweet little water loving boy!!!  May God bless you as you have blessed me!



Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Well, the gang at Dogwood at all set for trick or treating tonight.

Lucy, the reigning queen and matriarch of our pack, has chosen to dress as a moody, middle aged hag---in other words, she will be going as herself this year.
All kidding aside, it's been a rough month for the old girl. She has had both a bladder infection and suffered from a parasite. PILLS PILLS PILLS and BILLS BILLS BILLS!!!!
I am tempted to dress her up as a canceled check to the vets office.

Charlie, my sweet, docile Eeyore of the group, is planning a really ingenious little get up. He's going as a horse.
He figures, since he eats like one, he may as well start playing the part.
Anybody have a used saddle I can rent for the night????

Hines the rat terror (I mean terrier) is going as security guard.
He'll be guarding the food bag from Charlie.

Daisy is going as an escaped mental patient. We don't call her crazy Daisy for nothing!
Problem is, I can't find a thunder shirt with arms that tie IN THE BACK!

Little Linus the lion hearted, who will celebrate his first Halloween with our little troop this year, is going as the Peanuts character that he was named for.
Since he drags his kennel blanket all over the place, I see that as irony!

Bart the cat, otherwise known as EL BARTO, will be swashbuckling his way through the house, probably via my new drapes.  I've GOT to stop letting him watch those Errol Flynn movies!!

Sebastian, my little water loving kitty, will be going out for candy in his flippers and snorkel gear.
What can I say? If the swim fin fits--wear it!
At least if it rains--he's ready.
I think he is the one Dogwood resident who might be up for more tricks than treats.
When I came into the bathroom this morning, he was already rolling toilet paper off the roll in preparation.
Bad Water Kitty!

Better Half and I will be taking this little mutt-ley crew door to door to let everyone know that we love and adore our kids,
and that we are ABSOLUTELY NUTS.
I guess we could go as Daisy's cell mates in the padded room. But how would I hold a leash from behind my back???

But that's what it's all about--having SAFE FUN and being together.
Remember that this is one holiday where pets do suffer at the hands of humans who can be not only cruel, but deadly.
 So keep your fur kids in check this All Hallows Eve.

I know my kids will be OK. The roughest fight we will have tonight is to decide who gets to ride shotgun.
Ever tried to calm five dogs and two cats in a PRIUS?????
Oh the Horror! The Horror!
From all of us at Dogwood--a very SAFE AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012


Recently, a co-worker stopped by my small cubicle, snarled up his nose and asked, “Man, how many dog pictures do you need in here?”

I told him that I hadn’t given it much thought. He sighed and walked away.

He’s one of “those” people who can’t understand my close pack relationship with seven fur balls that wet the floor, take up all the space in the bed, shed on the furniture, and chew up my belongings.

But his comment had lit curiosity. How many pictures did I have?  I began a slow spin in my swiveling chair to count the images decorating my office space.

There are framed photos, photo copies, post cards, photos in magnetic sleeves, photos on little clips, and photos taped or pinned up. There are tiny frames and large frames, some with one opening, others with multiple ones, and so on.

These contain pictures of Better Half and each of my kids: Lucy, Charlie, Pearl, Hines, Daisy, Bart, ,Sebastian and Linus. I have pictures of my foster dogs, of rescue dogs whose adoption I was able to help with, of animal friends that I have made over the years, and of those who have left this world for a better place.

Atop the cabinet that encloses my work area, there are pictures of Charlie and Lucy as pups. There is one displaying the first time I ever held Daisy in my arms.   I have a tiny framed picture of Bart, sitting on my shoulder on his first day at Dogwood. There’s another of Better Half getting “lubbins”.  

On my left are pictures of Hines, the rat terror (I mean terrier).   One was taken on Hine’s first day. He looks tense, worried, and not so certain of his surroundings. The one beside it was taken after he had been established as my “special little guy”: relaxed, confident in his place and in his affections.  The images are like night and day.

There are pictures of birthdays, back yard shenanigans, and cheesy grins.  There pictures of my kids napping, chewing the cushions off the couch, peeing on the rug, and doing other “cute” things that have made them infamous.

On the shelf above my head sits a framed image of my sweet Pearl, lying in her favorite basket by the back window. , This photo has its own special place, and of all my pictures of her, this one is my favorite.

I miss my little girl.

I recently added some pics of our newest addition: LINUS.  He came to us broken--but you all know that Dogwood has a healing effect. Linus has turned out to be a Daddy's boy--and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I examined my photos, I forgot all about counting them.  These moments, captured forever and displayed in funny little squares for all to see, are very precious to me. 

Those happy, innocent, furry faces have a power to warm my heart and make me smile in times of stress, or when I’m just having a crappy day.

How many pictures do I have?   Let’s just say there are a lot.

How many grins, chuckles, happy thoughts, and warm feelings do they provide? 

The number is infinite, priceless, and very cherished.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


 I think by now almost all of the rescue lovers who follow Facebook know about a sweet senior dog named PAM who was left behind by her "owners" and brought to Animal Control in Clarksville by neighbors.
 The officers at Animal Control tried to make her comfortable, allowing her to lie on a soft dog bed as opposed to lying on the concrete floor of a kennel. 

But things were not looking great for the old girl.  We all know that senior animals usually get the short end of the stick (no pun intended). Most people want puppies or cute and cudleys--not the old weather worn warriors who have seen many, many moons and are approaching twilight time.  Older animals are forgotten--or like Pam--are left behind to fend for themselves--or to fade away. 

But thanks to rescuers at Willy's Happy Endings--Pam's future took a turn for the better.  Rafi Johnson and her team of huge hearted folks pulled Pam from her uncertain hours and placed her in their foster program.

The story gets even better from there. The Robert Reed family in Georgia saw Pam's picture on facebook, and to semi quote Robert, "It melted his heart".

SO at this time, PAM is undergoing prep work towards her transport and delivery to her new family.

MIRACLES still happen! Pam is well on the road to living out the rest of her days in comfort and in love.

BUT--Willy's Happy Endings could use a few dollars along the way to help get the old girl ready to enter her happily forever after.

This is the Face Book post from Rafi and Willy's Happy Endings:

OK WHE friends! Pam's entropion surgery and dental has been scheduled for monday morning. The estimated cost for just those procedures is $325.00. She will also need pre-anesthetic blood work to be sure that she does not have any heath issues that would make the anesthesia dangerous.

If you can help, there are many ways to donate!

1. Send a paypal to

2. call our ve...

t directly at 931-232-9900 to make a donation to our account with your credit card over the phone!

3. Send check or money order to
Willy's Happy Endings
PO Box 175
Woodlawn, TN 37191

4. On our gofundme page

If you cannot donate please take a second to share! :)

If you can spare FIVE BUCKS to donate towards PAM's vetting and transport--I am asking that you send to one of the venues offered above.  Go one day with out that fancy coffee---drop your pack of cigarettes for a day---pack yourself a lunch tomorrow instead of scarfing down a Wendy's burger.
FIVE DOLLARS!  We can all afford that (I hope).
If you can't afford that--then I ask that you spend FIVE MINUTES in prayer--asking that this need be met, and that this wonderful, loving senior dog will be delivered safely and happily into the arms of the hearts who her image moved so much.
That much I know everyone can afford!
SO COME ON ANIMAL ARMY---get out those wallets and check books and credit cards and let's make this thing happen!
MIRACLES HAPPEN--sometimes we have to nudge them along.  JOIN THE NUDGE!!!


Sadie after being at Dogwood for ten minutes. I'll carry the warmth of that smile to my grave.

This is the story I wrote in 2009 celebrating the adoption of our FIRST FOSTER CHILD at Dogwood. SADIE was a five year old border collie that had been surrendered by her family to Animal Control. She was FULLY TRAINED, house broken, and one of the most docile sweet dogs I have ever known. She opened the door for quite a few more who followed.  I CELEBRATE LIFE with this story, and remember a sweet, sweet spirit that I was able to save.
On October first, Better Half and I received our first Humane Society foster dog, Sadie. Since then, she has been living at Dogwood with the rest of my heathens: Lucy, Charlie, Hines, and Pearl the cat.

            Sadie was rescued because the Lord spoke to my heart. That's the only way I know to explain it. She had a purpose that had yet to be fulfilled, and it wasn't time for her to leave this Earth until she had done so.

 Trust me. I didn't understand why I was doing it either. But I had faith and believed that everything would work out.

            I had no problem introducing her into my pack. The only wrinkle was the fact that she was way too curious about the cat and got knocked around quite a few times when Pearl had finally had enough. There was no aggression involved but it was evident that cats would be a "no-no" for her forever home. 

            While Sadie has been with us, I've had to remind myself that she was living with us temporarily, and that the day would arrive that she would leave us. But as the weeks have sifted by, my reminders began to slip. Better Half and I decided that if Sadie was still with us at Christmas, we would keep her.

            But something wasn't right. Yes, I had fallen in love with her, and she had become attached to me. But the happiness I had felt with the adoptions of my other kids just wasn't there. I felt I was doing something wrong.

            I prayed about the conflict I felt, and was answered. Somewhere out there, the person who needed Sadie more than I did was still waiting.  If I adopted Sadie, her purpose would go unfulfilled. I was being selfish and sticking my fingers into God's plan for her.

 So I asked God to help me not interfere and to not be selfish, as I would soon be overcome by my attachment to her.

            The morning after that prayer, I received an email from the Humane Society about a fantastic adoption application for Sadie. The applicant family had lost their fifteen year old pet in July, and felt they were ready to have a new dog. There was a void that needed to be filled in their household. I knew in my heart that, as always, the Lord had delivered, and that this was the place for Sadie   

            It all snowballed very quickly. Before I knew it, it was time to say goodbye.

It's not an easy thing to give something you love away.  But God would not desert me, and would make sure that Sadie's life would always be happy.

              Sadie is now blessing a wonderful household with her gentle love and peaceful demeanor.  It's been a bumpy ride for her: Loved once, abandoned, saved from death, and finally delivered to be cherished as she deserves. Her journey is a reminder     that God's ways are so wondrous and merciful, and that he cares for all things he created.

            Life at Dogwood is back to normal, or as normal as it gets there. The saga of the first foster dog is over. Will I foster again?? That will depend on what the Lord lays on my heart next.  He'll tell me when, and lead me through whatever comes.

But I will always remember Sadie, the first foster of Dogwood... and smile.

            You made it, little girl. I love you.



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Two Years later, the Pain is Still There

Today , August 14th, marks the two year anniverary of the death of our Sweet Pearl.  They say that time heals all wounds. But the gash her death put through us is still very tender and raw. But her life changed us forever, and her legacy lives on in Bart and Sebastian-two lives saved in her memory.

Though she can never be replaced, her influence is still present in our pack. We miss her everyday, and we will love her forever.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Good Queen Lucy and Prince Charlie

Once upon a time, far up in the nether reaches of Curtis Hollow, lay the sprawling, unspoiled lands of the Kingdom of Dogwood.
In this Kingdom, there was peace, harmony, and much love. This land of good tidings existed mostly because of it's matriarch, the wise and noble Queen Lucy. 
Queen Lucy ruled the Kingdom of Dogwood and the House of L with a gentle heart, and a firm hand.
Through out her reign as glorious Queen, she had created not only a kingdom, but a loyal and loving court of subjects and consorts.
The first two souls to fall under her magic were the serfs that had raised her and catered to her every whim. It was from the bond of affection and love that the Queen's heart was shaped and molded to be the ruler she is today. She would always remember her own humble origin, and never forget that, in the Kingdom of Dogwood, these glorious tender things were to be shared with others who had not been as fortunate as she.
Through out the years of her reign, the good and noble Queen had offered sanctuary and refuge to several waifs that had crossed the plains and fields of her land.
First there was Prince Charlie, the humble and submissive creature who was her constant companion.

Princess of the Feline Fields: Pearl

Then the lost princess without a kingdom, Pearl, who was granted full stature in the House of L as the Princess of the Feline Fields.

                                         The Conquistador of Dogwood: Hines

The grounds of the kingdom shook the day that the little conquistador Hines arrived. But the strong and determined Queen soon had this little warrior under her sway and he too became part of her court.

                                                                             Duchess Daisy

The Duchess Daisy bounced into their lives quite by accident. She was young and beautiful, but lacked the graces required to become part of Queen Lucy's fold. But with time, Daisy too found refuge among the other adopted loves of the Queens entourage.
Tragedy struck the House of L, when Princess Pearl was taken by illness. No longer would she wander the Feline Fields, or sit at the Queens right hand. Princess Pearl now walked the Fields of the Lord, and Dogwood mourned that loss.

                                           Jester of the Court of the House of L : Bart

As a depression blotted the land, another small feline waif entered into the kingdom. He was a tiny little fellow, but filled with mischief and wide eyed wonder. The one who would be called Bart brought with him a new joy and happiness to the Kingdom of Dogwood. Queen Lucy and her court selected him to assume the role of Jester in their midst. It is a role Bart has played well.

                                                          Sir Sebastian the Water Wizard

Dogwood has always been a magical place. But that was never more true than when the great water wizard, Sir Sebastian, arrived in a splash of glory. Sir Sebastian was also of the feline persuasion, and found instant camaraderie with the little jester Bart.
Queen Lucy found this pleasing, as she remembered that Princess Pearl had never known such friendship with her own kind.
Therefore, it was decreed that Sir Sebastian would become the official consort of magical happenings of the House of L.
Several years passed.  The Kingdom grew larger as the Royal family acquired new lands and castles in other parts of the country.  The six members of the House of L and their two benevolent serfs lived in happiness and harmony.

Linus the Lion Heart

In the fifth month of the ninth year of Queen Lucy's rule of the Kingdom of Dogwood, a young crippled waif was brought before her by her serfs.  This small innocent had been harmed by the hand of man, and suffered the loss of the use of one paw. The little one was frightened and hurt, and this concerned the Queen greatly.  She instructed the serfs to do what they could for the small one, and granted this small bundle of humbleness the rights of oasis within the kingdom.
The Queen watched from her high perch as the small waif struggled to heal and to learn to use his paw again. She was deeply touched by his courage and the nobility of his efforts.
Therefore, the small waif was named Linus the Lion Heart of Dogwood, and granted full and forever status as a member of the House of L .
So now they are seven within the kingdom, living a happy and loved existence under the eternal care of the two serfs that cherish every moment of this existence with them.
The Kingdom of Dogwood and the rule of good Queen Lucy are now things of legend and of tales told across the land.  The House of L stands seven strong, bound together by their respect and their love for one another.  Long live the House of L.
And in the Kingdom of Dogwood, they all lived happily ever after.

Monday, July 9, 2012


A while ago, I told you about a sweet little foster dog that came to Dogwood from the Waverly Animal Shelter named Tippy. Better Half changed his name to LINUS soon after his arrival.
Linus had suffered a gunshot wound that left him with nerve damage in his right hind leg. He could not feel or operate his paw, and walked on his “knuckles” or dragged it along.  This caused it to become quite a bloody mess.

Little Linus stole my heart in a photo posted on the Waverly Shelter Facebook page, and I felt that we could help this little man learn how to walk on his paw again.

For the past month, Better Half and I have nursed his little foot back to health.  Every morning and every evening, we would slather his little toes with antibiotic ointment, wrap the foot tenderly with gauze, and then slip a baby sock over the whole project. We would then place a couple of pieces of tape around his foot to hold it all in place.

Slowly, Linus began to heal. But he still wanted to drag the little foot behind him.

Everyone was ready to simply chop his little leg off. But in my soul, I really felt that this dog was not ready for amputation.  We consulted with Dr. Holly Ramey, who tested Linus’s limb to show that the leg was completely “alive” with feeling from the hip to the “ankle”. She also showed us neurological reports that show where animals with severed nerves have had regeneration where the nerve reconnects.

The nerve grows about an inch per month. It might take a few years, but there is hope!
Why cut off a healthy leg just because of a bum foot? Why not keep the leg and help the foot along?
With God’s help, a little patience, and really good catalog, we ordered a “boot” thru our beloved Dr. Ramey. It’s a simple little tennis shoe with a Velcro strip to secure it to his ankle.

Linus has made great progress.   With the form and weigh of the little shoe, he has learned to pick the foot up, place it correctly (pads down) on the floor, and step. 
We have had only one small set back. Linus had the little “floppy-flappy” dew claws on his back legs. The bandaging and the process of introducing the shoe to his little paw had cause it to rub itself raw.  But thanks to the loving folks at the Waverly Animal Shelter and the Humphreys County Humane Society, the dew claw has been removed so that it will no longer impair his stride.

So for a few more days, poor Linus is back in mummy form with a big bandage on his foot. On Saturday we have the stitches taken out, and with God’s love on his side, my little guy will have a clean slate, a new shoe, and a whole new outlook.  

I’m so proud of this little man, and so grateful that God has given him the intelligence to catch on so fast.
 I ask that all of the friends of Dogwood continue to remember little Linus in your prayers. He still has a bit of work to do, and he still needs a forever home with someone who will love him, and have the patience to put the shoe on when he is headed outside, and take it off when he comes back in.

It’s a tall order, I admit. But the Lord moves in mysterious ways, and I have faith that the outcome will be right for Linus, and that this sweet, adorable little dog will have his happily ever after.

Monday, June 25, 2012

GI JOE and the JAWS OF DOOM!!!

This is the original draft from a story that later appeared in the Leaf Chronicle.

Recently, I went back into the wilds of my hometown to visit my folks. They had just completed their dream house and, six months after moving in, were still excavating 45 years of clutter from the house that I and my two brothers grew up in. My mission on this trip--if I chose to accept it--was to clean out the closet in my old bedroom. If I failed to accept the mission--my stuff went to the dump. So I started up the old Ford and headed for home.

Upon arrival, I found what used to be my room completely empty.  It was sad to see what used to be my strong hold, my fortress from the world, reduced to a big empty shell. This was the place where 1000 dreams and wishes were launched to either take flight or crash and burn. It was here I had listened to my music, read my books, and wrote the first scrawls of what would one day become something almost intelligible.

But I had not come to mourn a bedroom--I had come here to haul away the things that had made some of the memories I had of it.  

This great scavenger hunt thru the past yielded a car load of "antiquities" that I hauled back to Clarksville.

The pile of junk sent Lucy, Charlie, Pearl, and Hines into excitement overload. They had to investigate every box and stick their noses inside to see what Daddy had brought home. To this crew, EVERYTHING new is something that is to be chewed, eaten, or urinated on.
They would never miss an opportunity to do all three.

Charlie, my middle child, immediately stuck his head into a box and brought forth a prize; my bearded GI JOE with Kung Foo grip. My heart almost stopped when I saw Joe, dressed in his best camouflage, clinched in my curious mutt’s mouth. I grabbed the saliva soaked action figure from Charlie and scolded him.  He sat down heavily on the floor , a scowl of disappointment on his sweet face.

Now God knows GI JOE had been through tougher treatment in his lifetime.

In his mid 70's hey-day as the number one action doll (not one of those tiny figures that came later), he’d been buried alive, drowned, thrown from tree tops, and experienced numerous scratch and dent missions behind enemy lines.
My brother and I even tried to shave him…with a bottle of my Grandmother's NAIR, and he still survived to fight for freedom another day.

But, the rough and ready treatment of an overzealous child with an accute imagination was child play (pun intended)against Charlie's jaws of doom. 

Joe went back into the box to enjoy his retirement from active duty.

GI JOE, Johnny West, and all my other childhood valuables, went to their permanent resting place in our spare room.  It’s the one part of the house that the dogs rarely see because this room does not observe an open door policy. Basically, this is where all clunky treasures, forgotten hobbies, and boxed memories go to die.

Due to the long drive, and all the packing and unpacking, I was exhausted soon after getting everything put into the room. I put on my jammies, gathered all the babies, and went on to bed.
As sleep crept across my pillow, I dreamily noticed that the door to the front room, which always stayed shut, was still open. But before I could seriously consider the consequences, I fell asleep.

Next morning, I took the dogs out for PT (Poop Trip), made the morning coffee, filled my lunch box for the day, and then made my way to the front room to iron a shirt. All excess clothing , the ironing board, and the clothes iron were stored here.

Charlie, who usually follows me everywhere, stopped in the hallway just outside the door to the room. As I stepped into the dark , something crunched under my foot. A sick twist filled my stomach as I flipped the light switch on.

There on the floor lie the last remains of a legend.

GI JOE was a mangled mess. His face held the surprised look of sudden attack, while his torso was limb free. Next to his half bearded head, detached from the rest of his body,  lay his super dooper secret defense: his Kung Foo grip arm.

I could see that it happened so fast that he never even knew what bit him.
I gathered Joe up (or what was left of him) and thanked him for being a defender of both my country and my childhood. Little paws followed behind me and I whistled “taps”, gave a silent salute, and sent Joe on his last great adventure into the garbage can.

Charlie still sat on the bed, looking pitiful.

That's my Charlie, sorry he did it, and even sorrier he got caught.

I rubbed his ears and sighed. In the long run, it wasn’t Charlie’s fault, but mine. I had left the door open and he only did what comes naturally to a  curious "kid" with a chewing fetish.

After all, every little boy (furry or not) dreams of the day when they are old enough to play with their Daddy's toys.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Every once in a while, as I look thru the myriad of furry faces waiting for someone to love them, I see one image that moves my heart and settles in my mind.

Such was the case with a little one year old, black lab mix named Tippy.

Tippy’s little face was included in an album of Adoptable animals posted by the Waverly Animal Shelter.

Tippy’s story was semi-tragic. He had been found by an officer at the Wild Life Refuge in New Johnsonville, TN with a gunshot wound in his backside. The bullet had severed a nerve, leaving him unable to use his paw on his hind right leg. To further explain it, the nerve that allowed Tippy to walk on his paw and keep it flat had been severed. So when Tippy walked, he walked on his knuckles. When he became tired, he would drag the paw behind him. The paw on his right hind leg was raw from being drug across the ground. He would need time to heal, time to grow, and time to learn to accommodate his lifeless foot.

This wonderful human being brought Tippy to the shelter, and sponsored him so that he could be treated.

I looked at Tippy’s picture everyday for about a week. He would need some tender loving care to heal his little foot, and someone with time and patience to help him learn to walk without destroying the paw.

Once again, I heard the voice of the foster angels whispering in my ear. Dogwood was where Tippy needed to be.

Now everyone knows that Dogwood has always been a haven for foster dogs. But since our move from Clarksville, my Better Half had pretty much put the kibosh on my personal foster program. Yes, in the past I had been able to twiddle the opposition down and get my way. But as we were now in an entirely new setting and situation, I wasn’t sure if I could do it this time.
But being my fathers’ son, I was bull headed about it and presented little Tippy’s picture one evening at dinner.

It didn’t exactly go as planned.

“No. No. NO.” was Better Half’s response.

Better Half did not think we could give the amount of love and attention to little Tippy that he deserved, and still keep everybody else in the house happy.
Anyone who has followed the adventures of the Dogwood pack knows that my little Brady Bunch of six is all special in their own way. We have Lucy, matriarch and alpha female. Then there’s Charlie, the second oldest and submissive prince of our pack. Then there’s Hines, the little rat terror (I mean terrier) who is a self proclaimed conquistador. And finally, there’s two year old Crazy Daisy, our second foster child who became my first foster failure when we adopted her as our own.

Then there are the two feline felons of the house, Bart and Sebastian, who each contribute their own brand of kitty mayhem to the brood.

Yes-we have a regular circus. Ok it's a zoo.  But I knew in my heart that we could make it all work.

In order to prove my point, and to make this story a tad shorter, I reminded Better Half of something that we tell our needy, jealous, spoiled rotten fur kids every day: At Dogwood, there’s always enough love to go around.

That weekend, Tippy joined our little family.

That was two weeks ago. So much has happened, and if I write it all down it’ll make a book. So let me give you the 45 version vs. the 12 inch album.

First off, Better Half refused to keep the name Tippy. The little boy now is named LINUS (another Peanuts reference-GOOD GRIEF!!!) Linus has flourished. His foot is healing, and with the aid of a boot (THANK YOU DR. BATEY), he has slowly learned to keep the pad of his paw on the ground. When he over exerts, he will drag a bit. But if I say, “Pick it up!” he does.

All the slightly irregular personalities have clashed, cooled off, and settled in. Daisy and Linus are two peas in a pod. Lucy and Charlie are passive. They have been here many times before. Hines, well, let’s just say Hines is a work in progress. Bart and Sebastian couldn’t care less. I love cats!

Linus will be a Dogwood pack member until someone VERY SPECIAL decides that they just can't live without him. For adoption info on LINUS--you can contact the WAVERLY ANIMAL SHELTER at 931-296-7319. Remember that LINUS IS A SPECIAL NEEDS ANIMAL and will require much love and attention.

So now there are SEVEN sets of paws running loose on my floors, sleeping in my bed, and driving my sanity just a tad bit closer to the edge of oblivion.

But you know what? If this little dog can heal, learn to walk right, and know that he’s loved; I’ll start sewing my own straight jacket.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Pink Foot: We Miss you Every Day

Gone, but not forgotten.
My sweet Pearl was "born" to Dogwood on the Thursday night before Memorial Day.
She would have been seven years old.

Daddy loves you little pink foot. Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


GOD is with us 24/7--every minute that we live--every breathe that we take.
He protects us--watches over us--and listens to our prayers.
If I hadn't known that already--I would have become a believer after what happened to us Monday evening.

We had just gotten home and my four canine convicts had been released out into the back yard for the evening constitutional (AKA-poop time).
We had been out on the back patio/carport for about ten minutes, playing fetch and letting everyone stretch their legs. We were all preoccupied with having fun and playing catch up after being away from each other all day.  Daisy had already had her turn with the rope, and had walked behind me, kindda nosing around the ground where the concrete of the patio meets the brick of the house.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daisy jump back about a foot. I turned to look, wondering if she had found another intruder grasshopper to play with.
At first, I didn't see anything but a few leaves that had blown up against the house.
But then I saw it--a copper head snake --alittle over a foot long--coiled up, head pulled back and ready to strike my curious Daisy dog. 
Of course, seeing the life threatening danger she was in, Daisy did what any normal dog would do.
 WHAT AM I SAYING? This is Daisy we are talking about.
She practically laid down IN FRONT OF IT.
But lucky for us--God loves dumb dogs---and the idiots that own them.
I reached down, snatched Daisy up from the ground, and screamed for Better Half to grab Charlie.  My special big boy was just a few steps away from discovering what Daisy had found.
I knew if Charlie saw the snake move, we were in BIG TROUBLE.
He would be right on top of it, and would more than likely be bitten by the viper.
Luckily, when all this happened, Hines and Lucy had already been pawing at the  backdoor, ready to go back inside.
Before the true panic and realization of what was goin on hit everybody else, we piled all four mutts thru the door and closed it. My heart was beating 90 miles a minute as I reached for the shovel I use to keep the yard cleaned up and poop free.
I was shaking so bad I couldn't hold onto the thing, so Better Half chopped the copper head into mulch, and threw it off into the woods.
I immediately grabbed Daisy and flipped her every way I could think of to see if she had actually been bitten.
Do you know how hard it is to examine a dog for snake bite while she is trying to chew on your ear off?????
It took an hour or so, and some medication, for my heart to stop beating out of my chest and get back to normal. I laid on the couch ,Daisy and Charlie laid out on either side of me.
With a little bit of LUBBINS, I was fine.
I praise God for answering a prayer that I say every day: Lord put angels by my babies and keep them safe.
We had all walked past that coiled snake several times as it lie on that hand full of leaves. It could have easily struck at any of us.
But God kept it at bay.
Even when Crazy Daisy discovered it, her guardian angel kept her back far enough to not be bitten, while another one whispered in my ear to turn around and see what it was that made her jump back so.
I thank the Lord for our safety and for being with us.
Now I know God made the snakes too. When you get right down to it-one of the best stories in the bible would be lost without the presense of a slithering serpent.
But brothers and sister, I am here to tell you that just because I know God made them, doesn't mean I have to like them. 
So remember boy and girls out there in Pet Lover Land--SNAKE SEASON is upon us.
MAKE SURE to keep an eye on all your pets when they are outside.
 If you see that someone is spending just a bit too much time sticking their nose to something, or pawing just a bit too long, GO SEE WHAT IT IS THEY ARE SO INTERESTED IN!!!
 YOUR ATTENTION to their movements could SAVE YOUR BEST PAL from suffering a POISONOUS BITE, AND CAN SAVE THEIR LIFE!!!!
Be safe my friends!