For two years, I wrote a newspaper column about the misadventures of the Dogwood pack. Our pack consists of my six dogs ,two cats, and me. We have the Queen and oldest, Lucy the Lab. Then there's my special Child, Charlie, a German Shepherd/lab mix who owns me. My rat terror (I mean terrier) Hines keeps us in check, while Italian grey hound/terrier mix Daisy destroys the furniture. Our sweet cat Pearl, who passed away in August of 2010 from complications brought on by Feline Leukemia, was a lone feline for her short five year existence. When she passed, orange long hair tabby kitty Bart, and Siamese Flame Point Sebastian moved into our hearts.

When we moved to a new town, I was unable to continue the columns, so we decided to stick our paws into the 21st century.
Since the move, TWO MORE sets of paws run the floors at Dogwood. Linus, a little black lab, and Squirt the Chi-Weenie.

Now that we have moved onto blog media, I will keep the mayhem of my fur kids adventures updated as they happen. I also want to post special needs animals and stories about shelters and people who are doing wonderful work for rescue. Since this is no longer edited or censored--you may see images that are a bit more shocking, and read copy that has a bit more venom--so be prepared. Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, November 15, 2012


Available for the first time--the first DOGWOOD PROJECTS published item---a Christmas Coloring book called
"Here comes Santa Paws--Christmas in Fur Town"

This is a HAND DRAWN coloring book (by yours truly) with a full story and activities.

So this is actually a child's story book that you can read to your kids, allow them to color the pictures, and then enjoy over and over. They get to decide what colors go into their own personal story book, and you can have the joy of reading it with them.

The book is printed on white paper with a full color cover (pictured above) and bound with a comb binding so that little ones can open the book flat and never have to sway the previous page while they color--or bend the spine out of shape.

The coloring books are $8 dollars each--and will make great stocking suffers or gifts.

What am I doing with the money???

Well- like any business--I have to put the money spent for printing back in the bank. But my hope is to sponsor an animal for adoption or possibly for spay/neuter, or whatever needs done. I'm not going to get rich off this --but some little fur legged waif will benefit.

Come on people--you know me.  There's no way an animal or two or however many won't benefit from anything I try to do.

If you would like to order a book--or look at some sample pages--please email me at or shoot me a private message on my Facebook page.

I will print your order, bind it, and let you know when I will be mailing it. Then you can send your payment.

Hope that everyone out there has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Two years ago, I was cleaning in the middle room of the front building at Cats Are Us. I usually had a job of cleaning in the back building, but poop is poop, no matter what room you’re in. We were short handed, and I volunteered to take on an extra space.

Cats Are Us was always therapy for me. Dogwood had lost one of it's own just a few months before, our beloved Pearl, to Feline Leukemia.  Being at the shelter was comforting to me. My little girl used to put her little pink paw on my cheek , almost as a reassurance that whatever life was bringing us at that moment, that everything would be alright. I missed her terribly, and I longed for that comforting touch.

We had adopted little Bart after Pearl left us. He was a tiny thing when he first came to Dogwood--but we soon remedied that!!  But he was still the lone feline of our little fur covered oasis. I had always hated the fact that Feline Leukemia had kept Pearl a lonely kitty.  Better Half and I had discussed the possibility of getting  Bart a friend, but hadn't done anything about it.

As I worked, in that middle room, I kept hearing a little voice chattering away behind me. I was reminder of sweet Girlsy, the little talker who used to keep me company in the back room at Cats Are Us.  She too had crossed the Rainbow Bridge that year.

This room held many felines, and after hearing the talk for awhile, I was a man on a mission to find it. I finally looked to a large cage that sat in the back of the room. One dark, fluffy boy who sat on the bottom of the enclosure looked at me wide eyed, as if to say, “It wasn’t me pal.” 

But I heard the chatter monkey again, and bent down to look into the darker top of the cage.   On a high perch in the upper corner of the cage sat a beautiful white feline with faint orange tinted fur, orange tipped ears, gorgeous blue eyes…and a very active mouth.

I opened the door very carefully as not to scare the little one. But I shouldn't have worried. The white beauty sprung into my arms and began to purr like a boat motor. He curled into my arms, cupping his head under my chin as I rubbed his belly.  I was elated. He looked so much like my lost baby, with his white fur and blue eyes.
Then, out of nowhere, he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his… and placed one tiny little pink footed paw on my cheek.

The tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt a tiny piece of my heart revive.  He just held that paw on my face, saying, “It’s OK”.
Needless to say, he became both my third shadow, and Bart's new best pal at Dogwood. We named him Sebastian, and he has both comforted and entertained us ever since.

Today marks two years since that little white and orange soul reminded me that, even though we lose someone special, we can still find the ability to love others.  

Happy Birthday my sweet little water loving boy!!!  May God bless you as you have blessed me!