For two years, I wrote a newspaper column about the misadventures of the Dogwood pack. Our pack consists of my six dogs ,two cats, and me. We have the Queen and oldest, Lucy the Lab. Then there's my special Child, Charlie, a German Shepherd/lab mix who owns me. My rat terror (I mean terrier) Hines keeps us in check, while Italian grey hound/terrier mix Daisy destroys the furniture. Our sweet cat Pearl, who passed away in August of 2010 from complications brought on by Feline Leukemia, was a lone feline for her short five year existence. When she passed, orange long hair tabby kitty Bart, and Siamese Flame Point Sebastian moved into our hearts.

When we moved to a new town, I was unable to continue the columns, so we decided to stick our paws into the 21st century.
Since the move, TWO MORE sets of paws run the floors at Dogwood. Linus, a little black lab, and Squirt the Chi-Weenie.

Now that we have moved onto blog media, I will keep the mayhem of my fur kids adventures updated as they happen. I also want to post special needs animals and stories about shelters and people who are doing wonderful work for rescue. Since this is no longer edited or censored--you may see images that are a bit more shocking, and read copy that has a bit more venom--so be prepared. Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!!!

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Monday, January 16, 2012

UPDATE: The BIG RED SAGA continues!

A while back, I introduced you to a fella named BIG RED and  asked for your help in aiding the Humane Society of Dover-Stewart County provide the means for an animal to have an important operation on his hip.

Here's an update on the big guys status that was posted to Face book by the Dover Humane on Friday -Jan 13, 2012
"Big Red had his very successful hip operation on Tuesday. Thank you Dr. Lewis & staff, well-wishers and donators, and the Gant family!"

So Red had made it thru the surgery with flying colors. Not only will her walk well again--he will make a full recovery. It seemed that the miracles were just gonna keep on rollin' for this guy when  a family stepped up and offered to ADOPT him! They took him straight out of his recovery, and into their wonderful loving home.
 BUTTTTTTTT, there was a little bit of a problem as recorded in this next post from Saturday, January 14:

"UPDATE: Big Red growled at their 2 little dogs and this made them nervous, so they returned him last night. However he has several back-up adopters and going to new home tomorrow morning."

So the Big Red Saga continues. I would like to thank the family who tried to adopt him, and I respect them for having the care for their other animals to avoid any possible problems or tragedies that might have occurred between Red and their little dogs.  They did what a responsible pet owner does--make sure everyone is safe, and happy, and where they belong.

I know it's a big let down when an adoption doesn't work out--but the Lord will make sure Red gets to the place he belongs--I know he will.

Big Red is safe and recovering nicely--Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a full recovery and the wonderful forever home where he belongs.

UPDATED UPDATE: 1/18/2012--Per the Dover Humane Society, BIG RED went to his new forever home this past Sunday and everything has been working out with the family and the other household pets. It looks like BIG RED has finally found a place for his BIG HEART to live and love forever.  I will post pictures when they arrive!

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