Awhile back, a little dog was surrendered to the Clarksville Animal Control who had had both of his front legs broken by an abuser.
He was a little terrier named Joey.
The owner of the dog could not afford medical care for him, and the only place for him at the time of the incident was the pound. Now, the thing is, this is a county funded operation. There are no funds to save animals who have had this type of torture inflicted on them, or are ill, or have any type of physical problem that would otherwise mark them for immediate departure across the Rainbow Bridge.
In my columns and blogs, I speak alot about God, and my belief that he puts us all in the right place at the right time to fill needs and tackle situations that average folks deem hopeless.
It could never be more evident than in this story.
God has a plan for Joey--and he placed Director of Animal Control Karen Josephson in the right place, at the right time, to step between Joey and death.
Karen stepped out on faith, and placed this little wonder dog under medical care, paid for out of her own pocket. Once it was determined what type of surgery and recovery time Joey would need to successfully walk again, the word was put out to the pet loving public, and everyone jumped in to help raise money to pay the medical costs for Joey's legs to be surgically repaired.
Thus began JOEY'S FUND--a reserved fiscal pot of love,care, and devotion, given by everyday folks in whatever increment they could spare, so that those who come to animal control in dire need can be cared for and given that second chance to fulfill their God given destiny of being someones most faithful companion.
Today, JOEY(pictured here) is well, and WALKING. Joey's story, and a community who was willing to step out on faith and give of their hearts, their prayers, and their wallets, is a testament to what faith and giving can accomplish.
TODAY---There is another need, and another call must be sent out to the true believers to once again "step out on faith" to assure another furry soul gets the chance they deserve to live.

This little girl is Ava. She, like Joey, has suffered an accident that could have marked her for immediate destruction. But thanks to the willingness of our AC Director, AVA can live to walk and play, and be some little boy or girls best pal in the whole wide world.
This is the information posted via Facebook by the Montgomery County Friends of the Shelter:
AVAwas brought into Animal Control by her owner because she had a fractured leg after being stepped on and he couldn't afford to pay for it. Instead of euthanizing her, Director Karen Josephson, got her medical attention as she does many of the animals that come in in need. These services are paid for by good samaritans like you who care about animals. If you would like to donate to this cause, please send contributions to Animal Control designating them for the "Joey Fund". Ava is safe in a foster home now through MCFOTS and will be available for adoption when she is released from Animal Hospital's medical care.
So once again, I send out the call to the faithful, and drop the $5 dollar challenge at your feet.
FIVE DOLLARS--that's all I'm asking for. For one day, skip a pack of smokes, or a coffee, or your candy bar and coke at break time--and drop FIVE BUCKS into the pot so that LIFE can continue for this sweet little furry soul.
FIVE BUCKS--thats five $1 dollar bills-----or 20 Quarters---or 50 dimes-- or 100 nickels,--or 500 pennies---HOWEVER YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO GIVE IT!
I don't think the Lord would hold back on blessing your heart and your effort to help because your donation was in change! If that's the case--I am already in BIG TROUBLE!
You can drop it off or mail it to :
Karen Josephson
Clarksville Animal Control
616 North Spring Street
Clarksville, TN 37040-3142
If you would like information on Joey's Fund--you can send an email to Karen's attention at or call (931) 648-5750.
If you would like to contact Friends of the Shelter, who will handle Ava's foster placement and her future adoption (once she is released from medical care)contact them at or visit their Facebook Page under "Montgomery County Friends of the Shelter".
Let's join together, and help aid yet another animal who needs out help by contributing to JOEY'S FUND and making sure there is always something in the pot to help an animal in need!
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