My Daddy's unquestionable, nonnegotiable, concrete rule has always been, and forever shall be, "no animals in the house". He really loves animals, as long as he doesn't have to live with them.
I had hoped that as the years went by, he might bend on the subject...or at least lean.
But to this day, it’s: "When are you coming home?" followed by "Don't bring those dogs!"
Though I now live just down the hill from them, when I lived over an hour away, it was very difficult to visit and not have to rush home to make sure my kids were taken care of. The one time I tried to cut corners and bring them along to Grandma and Grand pa’s--it didn't work out so well.
A few years ago, we went to spend a day with my folks. Because Charlie was 3 months old, and Lucy was just over a year, I decided they were too young to spend a full day alone. So, we took them along with us, thinking, "What can they possibly hurt?"
The folks weren't happy that the dogmatic duo was present, but tried to be pleasant.
We spent the day sitting out under the elm tree. Charlie and Lucy were both on retractable leashes and behaved very well. It was a nice, uneventful day.
Then Momma mentioned supper.
My dogs are just as country as I am; knowing darn well that SUPPER means food will be made available and in mass quantities. They were ready to roll!
Daddy didn't see it that way. "Don't you think your bringin' them dogs in the house" he said.
I wound Charlie's leash around a porch post, and Lucy's around the elm tree, deciding I could eat quickly and come back. Charlie settled down in the grass for a nap, but Lucy was inconsolable. Separation anxiety issues have always been Lucy’s way of telling us that she can’t live without us---and a valium.
As we filed thru the aluminum storm door, the sounds of wailing and crying were filtering through its raised screen window.
Momma was in the kitchen, Daddy had gone to wash up, and Better Half and I were setting the table. Suddenly there was a huge BANG! I ran to the back door to see what had happened.
There, in a tangle of wire mesh and aluminum was Lucy.
She had snapped her leash, pushed the screen of the door through with her front paws, and was now stuck: head and shoulders inside and butt dangling outside. She was kicking like a mule, trying to get herself in, and each kick to the aluminum bottom was like an explosion of thunder.
I could only imagine the explosion my Daddy would have when he saw my dog teetering back and forth in his door. It was the only time I was grateful that his hearing wasn’t what it used to be. He would have killed Lucy and then ME!
I set a new speed record: smacking the frame together, slipping the wire back into it with my pocket knife, and getting it back into the door before Daddy entered the kitchen.
We quickly sat and ate. As soon as we finished, I made a comment on how late it was, packed up the hounds of hell and sped off.
After the screen door incident, there were no visits to Grandma and Grandpa from the pets. They would rather lie at home and watch TV anyway.
All and all it worked out for the best.
To this day, my Daddy doesn't know that not only was there a dog in his house.
It’ll be our little secret.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I know now how they feel.
I have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide so that I can have a meltdown, no one to confide in. No one wants to hear my cries; no one wants to see my tears. I sit in a cubicle, trying desperately not to scream my head off in despair. I am completely and utterly alone in the grief and sadness that I am drowning in.
This must be what every poor animal that sits in a cage, waiting for the needle, must feel. It’s the anxiety and fear and utter hopelessness of the shadow of death approaching and the ticking away of the last hours that they are allowed to live.
It was death that brought me to this understanding---this realization of being caged on the inside—unable to let my heartbreak burst forth, unable to do anything to change the situation that is killing my spirit.
You see, I set myself up once again for a fall—the big fall. I fell in love with a little four year old black lab named Duchess. She stole my heart from the first time I laid eyes on her.
I got a call today, telling me that Duchess was found dead in her kennel when the shelter workers arrived this morning. They are all stunned, as she showed no signs of any ailment or illness yesterday. It is believed that Duchess succumbed to a new strain of the parvo virus that attacks adult dogs.
All I know is that this sweet, innocent animal that I have spent the last two Saturday mornings loving and playing and rompingwith… is gone forever.
I know the score. Animals are put to sleep everyday by the trailer truck loads, and no matter how hard we fight, it still happens every hour of everyday.
But this dog was safe. This dog was in no danger of being euthanized. She had a future, a destiny that she had yet to fulfill. It’s hard enough to swallow when good animals are put down because no one wants them—but to have to swallow this too! How can I?
How can God be so good one minute and so cruel the next? How can he allow something that looked at me with the purest heart and love ever created be left to die in the night, all alone, with no one there to help her? How could he take her away—knowing I loved her so much?
Yes—I know—she wasn’t mine. But I loved her like she was.
Oh I know—I shouldn’t put this much feeling into an old dog that nobody else wanted. There are children starving and babies being born in trash bins and enough death and destruction on this globe to break anyone’s heart if they stopped and took it all in. I should be mourning for humanity--not some old dog.
So why does it hurt so much?
Why does the fact that I will never see that smiling, shining face ever again rip a hole in me the size of the Atlantic Ocean? Why do I feel like screaming in pain and throwing up at the same time???
It's like having the brakes slammed on in mid-flight. It's over--there's no more. Duchess will never chase the rope toy I bought for her again. She’ll never sit, or lie down and speak for a bit of a milk bone again. We’ll never get a chance to finish learning “roll over” or “shake”. I’ll never get another wet kiss across my face, or see those brown eyes sparkle and look at me like I was the most important thing in the world.
I don’t understand this. I just don’t. I try so hard to do good and to be good and make things better, and is this the great reward?? I'm not made of stone! You can't help animals and be brick hearted!!!!!
Pity, pity, pity ---poor, poor, me.
All I know is that something I loved is gone—stolen away. I didn’t even get to say good-bye.
I don’t understand—I’ll never understand. It’s wrong—it’s cruel and mean and it’s just not right. I’m mad at God about it—as a matter of fact I am furious over it. I know you’re not supposed to do that—but right now I just can’t help it. It’s just another shitty part of life—right? Be a man—suck it up—take it on the chin—and all that crap.
And in the end—it all comes down to the age old question that we ask every time we lose something that we love: Why God? Why?
I have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide so that I can have a meltdown, no one to confide in. No one wants to hear my cries; no one wants to see my tears. I sit in a cubicle, trying desperately not to scream my head off in despair. I am completely and utterly alone in the grief and sadness that I am drowning in.
This must be what every poor animal that sits in a cage, waiting for the needle, must feel. It’s the anxiety and fear and utter hopelessness of the shadow of death approaching and the ticking away of the last hours that they are allowed to live.
It was death that brought me to this understanding---this realization of being caged on the inside—unable to let my heartbreak burst forth, unable to do anything to change the situation that is killing my spirit.
You see, I set myself up once again for a fall—the big fall. I fell in love with a little four year old black lab named Duchess. She stole my heart from the first time I laid eyes on her.
I got a call today, telling me that Duchess was found dead in her kennel when the shelter workers arrived this morning. They are all stunned, as she showed no signs of any ailment or illness yesterday. It is believed that Duchess succumbed to a new strain of the parvo virus that attacks adult dogs.
All I know is that this sweet, innocent animal that I have spent the last two Saturday mornings loving and playing and rompingwith… is gone forever.
I know the score. Animals are put to sleep everyday by the trailer truck loads, and no matter how hard we fight, it still happens every hour of everyday.
But this dog was safe. This dog was in no danger of being euthanized. She had a future, a destiny that she had yet to fulfill. It’s hard enough to swallow when good animals are put down because no one wants them—but to have to swallow this too! How can I?
How can God be so good one minute and so cruel the next? How can he allow something that looked at me with the purest heart and love ever created be left to die in the night, all alone, with no one there to help her? How could he take her away—knowing I loved her so much?
Yes—I know—she wasn’t mine. But I loved her like she was.
Oh I know—I shouldn’t put this much feeling into an old dog that nobody else wanted. There are children starving and babies being born in trash bins and enough death and destruction on this globe to break anyone’s heart if they stopped and took it all in. I should be mourning for humanity--not some old dog.
So why does it hurt so much?
Why does the fact that I will never see that smiling, shining face ever again rip a hole in me the size of the Atlantic Ocean? Why do I feel like screaming in pain and throwing up at the same time???
It's like having the brakes slammed on in mid-flight. It's over--there's no more. Duchess will never chase the rope toy I bought for her again. She’ll never sit, or lie down and speak for a bit of a milk bone again. We’ll never get a chance to finish learning “roll over” or “shake”. I’ll never get another wet kiss across my face, or see those brown eyes sparkle and look at me like I was the most important thing in the world.
I don’t understand this. I just don’t. I try so hard to do good and to be good and make things better, and is this the great reward?? I'm not made of stone! You can't help animals and be brick hearted!!!!!
Pity, pity, pity ---poor, poor, me.
All I know is that something I loved is gone—stolen away. I didn’t even get to say good-bye.
I don’t understand—I’ll never understand. It’s wrong—it’s cruel and mean and it’s just not right. I’m mad at God about it—as a matter of fact I am furious over it. I know you’re not supposed to do that—but right now I just can’t help it. It’s just another shitty part of life—right? Be a man—suck it up—take it on the chin—and all that crap.
And in the end—it all comes down to the age old question that we ask every time we lose something that we love: Why God? Why?
Monday, January 16, 2012
UPDATE: The BIG RED SAGA continues!
A while back, I introduced you to a fella named BIG RED and asked for your help in aiding the Humane Society of Dover-Stewart County provide the means for an animal to have an important operation on his hip.
Here's an update on the big guys status that was posted to Face book by the Dover Humane on Friday -Jan 13, 2012
"Big Red had his very successful hip operation on Tuesday. Thank you Dr. Lewis & staff, well-wishers and donators, and the Gant family!"
So Red had made it thru the surgery with flying colors. Not only will her walk well again--he will make a full recovery. It seemed that the miracles were just gonna keep on rollin' for this guy when a family stepped up and offered to ADOPT him! They took him straight out of his recovery, and into their wonderful loving home.
BUTTTTTTTT, there was a little bit of a problem as recorded in this next post from Saturday, January 14:
"UPDATE: Big Red growled at their 2 little dogs and this made them nervous, so they returned him last night. However he has several back-up adopters and going to new home tomorrow morning."
So the Big Red Saga continues. I would like to thank the family who tried to adopt him, and I respect them for having the care for their other animals to avoid any possible problems or tragedies that might have occurred between Red and their little dogs. They did what a responsible pet owner does--make sure everyone is safe, and happy, and where they belong.
I know it's a big let down when an adoption doesn't work out--but the Lord will make sure Red gets to the place he belongs--I know he will.
Big Red is safe and recovering nicely--Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a full recovery and the wonderful forever home where he belongs.
UPDATED UPDATE: 1/18/2012--Per the Dover Humane Society, BIG RED went to his new forever home this past Sunday and everything has been working out with the family and the other household pets. It looks like BIG RED has finally found a place for his BIG HEART to live and love forever. I will post pictures when they arrive!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Picture: MEET DUCHESS--a four year old female black lab who needs a home.
As most of you know, at Dogwood, I am accustomed to being in the presence of Royalty.
Queen Lucy rules the roost, Prince Charlie keeps the peace, Hines the Conquistador keeps away all enemy invaders (sorry Mr. Trash man), and Duchess Daisy keeps the energy level pumping. Added to the canine blue blood, I have the two feline felons: court jester Bart and Sebastian the water wizard.
You would think that I would be all bowed and curtsied out. But a couple of weeks ago I was introduced to yet another canine with royal tendencies.
And as usual, I fell head over heels in love.
I wanted very much to visit the Waverly Animal Shelter. They are a sharp, hard working, excellent bunch of ladies and volunteers that do A LOT for the animals in Humphreys County. Because I have been tied up with the organization of our current house hold and the endless renovations on the one I left behind, I haven’t been much help to them since we moved into the community. I wanted to give them some kind of support.
So, Better Half and I had decided to use our first real "free" Saturday to attend the Adoption First event that they hold the first Saturday in each month.
Let me tell you, of all the things I was hoping to find that day, another royal mistress was not on the list.
But low and behold, as soon as I was led into the kennel area for a tour, there she was: a four year old, beautiful, dark eyed, black lab (didn’t see that one coming did ya?) named: DUCHESS.
Duchess’s story is a mirror of so many other pitiful tales of yore: an exile of a lost kingdom, abandoned on a lonely road in territories she did not know, by those who cared not what happened to her.
But she was rescued by a later day Robin Hood and brought to the Animal Shelter, where she could be free from the perils of the roadside and protected from the goblins of hunger and want.
The attraction between us was immediate, it was intense, and ….well…painful as she eagerly stepped up and put the full weight of her stocky form on my foot.
But that’s just part of her charm.
I immediately found myself sitting in front of this sweet heart’s kennel,getting kisses thru the gate and being offered the ladies hand for shaking and holding thru the gap in her door.
As it was my first visit, and there were other babies to meet, I gave her ladyship lots of love and then tried to move on. But then the royal barking began. The Duchess was lett ing me know, rather insistently , in the royal manner that ,"We are VERY DISPLEASED!". So I had to bow in her presence once more to calm her.
After the Duchess and I had visited for quite a time, she accepted my request to withdraw from her presence, and I did so. I met many little (and big) furry faces that morning—but the Duchess has been on my mind ever since.
Of course, at the suggestion to Better Half that we add to our own Royal Household, I was given the option of living in the garage. So in other words, there will be so SWELL in the House of L.
So though I adore this lady, I cannot commit to her.
But I can put her face and her story out there for all to see.
This royal trooper is four years young, gives sweet, sweet kisses, and LOVES toys and chewy things. Like any lab I have known—idles hands (and jaws) are the devils playthings. So she would need things like Kong toys with treats hidden inside, etc to keep her busy when left to her own devices.
Even a Duchess can get bored, ya know!
She is already “altered”, and though I cannot confirm it, I think house broken. Her kennel was unsoiled, for that much I can vouch.
If you should feel the need to enter serfdom as the Better Half and I did years ago, and take on the job of serving in the court of this lovely DUCHESS, I am sure she would be pleased. You may even be honored with a royal hand shake!
Currently, this exile of kingdoms unknown is residing at the Waverly Animal Shelter in Waverly Tn. You can call the shelter at 931-296-7319 or email them at .
As most of you know, at Dogwood, I am accustomed to being in the presence of Royalty.
Queen Lucy rules the roost, Prince Charlie keeps the peace, Hines the Conquistador keeps away all enemy invaders (sorry Mr. Trash man), and Duchess Daisy keeps the energy level pumping. Added to the canine blue blood, I have the two feline felons: court jester Bart and Sebastian the water wizard.
You would think that I would be all bowed and curtsied out. But a couple of weeks ago I was introduced to yet another canine with royal tendencies.
And as usual, I fell head over heels in love.
I wanted very much to visit the Waverly Animal Shelter. They are a sharp, hard working, excellent bunch of ladies and volunteers that do A LOT for the animals in Humphreys County. Because I have been tied up with the organization of our current house hold and the endless renovations on the one I left behind, I haven’t been much help to them since we moved into the community. I wanted to give them some kind of support.
So, Better Half and I had decided to use our first real "free" Saturday to attend the Adoption First event that they hold the first Saturday in each month.
Let me tell you, of all the things I was hoping to find that day, another royal mistress was not on the list.
But low and behold, as soon as I was led into the kennel area for a tour, there she was: a four year old, beautiful, dark eyed, black lab (didn’t see that one coming did ya?) named: DUCHESS.
Duchess’s story is a mirror of so many other pitiful tales of yore: an exile of a lost kingdom, abandoned on a lonely road in territories she did not know, by those who cared not what happened to her.
But she was rescued by a later day Robin Hood and brought to the Animal Shelter, where she could be free from the perils of the roadside and protected from the goblins of hunger and want.
The attraction between us was immediate, it was intense, and ….well…painful as she eagerly stepped up and put the full weight of her stocky form on my foot.
But that’s just part of her charm.
I immediately found myself sitting in front of this sweet heart’s kennel,getting kisses thru the gate and being offered the ladies hand for shaking and holding thru the gap in her door.
As it was my first visit, and there were other babies to meet, I gave her ladyship lots of love and then tried to move on. But then the royal barking began. The Duchess was lett ing me know, rather insistently , in the royal manner that ,"We are VERY DISPLEASED!". So I had to bow in her presence once more to calm her.
After the Duchess and I had visited for quite a time, she accepted my request to withdraw from her presence, and I did so. I met many little (and big) furry faces that morning—but the Duchess has been on my mind ever since.
Of course, at the suggestion to Better Half that we add to our own Royal Household, I was given the option of living in the garage. So in other words, there will be so SWELL in the House of L.
So though I adore this lady, I cannot commit to her.
But I can put her face and her story out there for all to see.
This royal trooper is four years young, gives sweet, sweet kisses, and LOVES toys and chewy things. Like any lab I have known—idles hands (and jaws) are the devils playthings. So she would need things like Kong toys with treats hidden inside, etc to keep her busy when left to her own devices.
Even a Duchess can get bored, ya know!
She is already “altered”, and though I cannot confirm it, I think house broken. Her kennel was unsoiled, for that much I can vouch.
If you should feel the need to enter serfdom as the Better Half and I did years ago, and take on the job of serving in the court of this lovely DUCHESS, I am sure she would be pleased. You may even be honored with a royal hand shake!
Currently, this exile of kingdoms unknown is residing at the Waverly Animal Shelter in Waverly Tn. You can call the shelter at 931-296-7319 or email them at .
Thursday, January 12, 2012
YEP--it looks like winter is finally here--or at least for a few days.
This post is just a QUICK REMINDER that even though your pets are furry--the temps we will be getting over the next few days are going to be extreme. TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR OUTSIDE FUR KIDS!!!
KEEP AN EYE ON OUTSIDE WATER AND FOOD DISHES!!! Though I enjoy a glass of ice water now and again--I don't think I would take kindly to my only source to quench my thirst froze in a block of ice for two or three days and nights. UNLESS YOUR DOG OR CAT CAN USE AN ICE PICK--Make sure their water dishes don't freeze so that they cannot drink!! !!! Same with food--cold pizza is one thing --cold FROZEN CANNED DOG OR CAT FOOD is unpleasant to ANY pallet!
Bring the fur kids in side if it is at all possible! If you cannot bring them in the house--try the garage or an out building--but give them some sort of DRY PLACE where they can bundle in blankets or straw. Don't be afraid to go out and check on them now and again. If your freezing your hump off doing it--then it just might be TOO COLD FOR THEM to be out there too!
GIVE THEM SHELTER!!!! Ever had somebody blow cold air up your drawers or skirt??? Didn't care for it--did ya? Neither will your pets!!! The wind chill alone can kill an animal!!
I have attached here a diagram and instructions here that were posted to FACEBOOK showing a cheap and handy way to build an insulated shelter for an outside cat or smaller dog. Take a look and put your mind to it. You might come up with an even better idea!
For those of us that are not handy or don't know anyone that is handy with power tools this is a fast,easy and cheap way to help the homeless kitties make it through the winter.....
Fast & Functional This innovative idea, costing around $30 ,but prices may vary..
In previous years, we learned that finding one plastic bin to fit inside another was the most challenging part of this project. One container should fit inside the other with room still left for polystyrene.
The inner box is an 18 gallon Rubbermaid "Roughneck Tote" - Lowe's part number: 44894 - Cost $5
The outer box is a 35 gallon Rubbermaid "Latching Tote" that is harder to find - Lowe's part number: 212261 - Cost $15
1" polystyrene - Cost $10
Total Cost in 2007-2008: $30
Having difficulty cutting the plastic? "We blew hot air from a hairdryer on the area where we planned to cut. This softened the plastic and it sliced like butter."
Consider surrounding your cats' shelter with bails of straw. Did you know that straw is a fabulously efficient insulator? Homes insulated with 18" wide bails of straw could save 75% on heating & cooling costs. Just think what that could do for your cats!
Place shelters where they will be protected from wind and snow drifts -- particularly those without protective flaps over the door(s) -- otherwise snow could blow in and bury/trap the cats. If there are fixed objects, such as buildings in your feral cat shelter area, pay attention to the way the winds tend to circulate, and place the shelters where there is the least amount of blowing & drifting snow. This could be a lifesaver, particularly for those who endure extreme winter weather, in which roads may be impassable for 1-2 days.
Depending on predators and other animals/hazards in your area, some cats may not use shelters unless there are two exits -- one for them to sneak out should another unwanted animal enter. Consider an emergency exit with a flap that opens from the inside only.
Remember that these animals LOOK TO YOU to love them and care for them. THEY ARE YOUR FUR KIDS!!! They would cross oceans for you! Don't let them down by forgetting to give them basic LIFE SAVING attention during the cold temps!
This post is just a QUICK REMINDER that even though your pets are furry--the temps we will be getting over the next few days are going to be extreme. TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR OUTSIDE FUR KIDS!!!
KEEP AN EYE ON OUTSIDE WATER AND FOOD DISHES!!! Though I enjoy a glass of ice water now and again--I don't think I would take kindly to my only source to quench my thirst froze in a block of ice for two or three days and nights. UNLESS YOUR DOG OR CAT CAN USE AN ICE PICK--Make sure their water dishes don't freeze so that they cannot drink!! !!! Same with food--cold pizza is one thing --cold FROZEN CANNED DOG OR CAT FOOD is unpleasant to ANY pallet!
Bring the fur kids in side if it is at all possible! If you cannot bring them in the house--try the garage or an out building--but give them some sort of DRY PLACE where they can bundle in blankets or straw. Don't be afraid to go out and check on them now and again. If your freezing your hump off doing it--then it just might be TOO COLD FOR THEM to be out there too!
GIVE THEM SHELTER!!!! Ever had somebody blow cold air up your drawers or skirt??? Didn't care for it--did ya? Neither will your pets!!! The wind chill alone can kill an animal!!
I have attached here a diagram and instructions here that were posted to FACEBOOK showing a cheap and handy way to build an insulated shelter for an outside cat or smaller dog. Take a look and put your mind to it. You might come up with an even better idea!
For those of us that are not handy or don't know anyone that is handy with power tools this is a fast,easy and cheap way to help the homeless kitties make it through the winter.....
Fast & Functional This innovative idea, costing around $30 ,but prices may vary..
In previous years, we learned that finding one plastic bin to fit inside another was the most challenging part of this project. One container should fit inside the other with room still left for polystyrene.
The inner box is an 18 gallon Rubbermaid "Roughneck Tote" - Lowe's part number: 44894 - Cost $5
The outer box is a 35 gallon Rubbermaid "Latching Tote" that is harder to find - Lowe's part number: 212261 - Cost $15
1" polystyrene - Cost $10
Total Cost in 2007-2008: $30
Having difficulty cutting the plastic? "We blew hot air from a hairdryer on the area where we planned to cut. This softened the plastic and it sliced like butter."
Consider surrounding your cats' shelter with bails of straw. Did you know that straw is a fabulously efficient insulator? Homes insulated with 18" wide bails of straw could save 75% on heating & cooling costs. Just think what that could do for your cats!
Place shelters where they will be protected from wind and snow drifts -- particularly those without protective flaps over the door(s) -- otherwise snow could blow in and bury/trap the cats. If there are fixed objects, such as buildings in your feral cat shelter area, pay attention to the way the winds tend to circulate, and place the shelters where there is the least amount of blowing & drifting snow. This could be a lifesaver, particularly for those who endure extreme winter weather, in which roads may be impassable for 1-2 days.
Depending on predators and other animals/hazards in your area, some cats may not use shelters unless there are two exits -- one for them to sneak out should another unwanted animal enter. Consider an emergency exit with a flap that opens from the inside only.
Remember that these animals LOOK TO YOU to love them and care for them. THEY ARE YOUR FUR KIDS!!! They would cross oceans for you! Don't let them down by forgetting to give them basic LIFE SAVING attention during the cold temps!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
This from the MONTGOMERY COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL FACEBOOK PAGE concerning a little guy named GUS, a sweet playful pup that was found in a ditch by Montgomery County Animal Control.
"We're treating this boy for his Sarcoptic Mange Easily treated BUT he's under quarantine at our volunteer's home. He's a Dobie - Shepherd mix and I can't say enough about his great personality. He's joyful beyond belief and entertains himself with toys! Despite his worms and mange !!! "
Gus is a playful, happy pup WHO LOVES TOYS!!!
Heather Pulley Young, who helped post GUS on Facebook, said:
"For all of his worm, mites, and itchy sore skin he has the GREATEST personality! He loves life, he is the happiest puppy. Even isolated like he is he only barks when his food bowl is empty! And he never whines! He is so content as long as he has his stuffie, tennis ball, and bully stick."
See the video HERE:
Gus's ailments and treatments are coming along--but he needs a foster home where he can be segregated from other dogs due to his skin conditions. AND an adopter would be wonderful!!!!
THRU THE JOEY FUND, and the public contributions that help to keep it's coffers filled, THIS MIRACLE IS HAPPENING NOW!!
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE to the wonderful things being done for animals like GUS ,who are ill, hurt, broken, or suffering from a curable, treatable ailment--PLEASE DO!!!
Donations can be sent to KAREN JOSEPHSON, Director of the Montgomery County Animal Control at the Animal Control address --make sure your donations are marked for "JOEY'S FUND" at :
616 North Spring Street,
Clarksville, TN 37040
You can also reach Karen at or by phone at 931-648-5750.
PLEASE help to keep this fund replentished so that the miracles of LIFE can keep happening for animals who have lost everything. Thru your contributions--JOEYS FUNDcan assure that these pitiful animals finally FIND HOPE!!!
"We're treating this boy for his Sarcoptic Mange Easily treated BUT he's under quarantine at our volunteer's home. He's a Dobie - Shepherd mix and I can't say enough about his great personality. He's joyful beyond belief and entertains himself with toys! Despite his worms and mange !!! "
Gus is a playful, happy pup WHO LOVES TOYS!!!
Heather Pulley Young, who helped post GUS on Facebook, said:
"For all of his worm, mites, and itchy sore skin he has the GREATEST personality! He loves life, he is the happiest puppy. Even isolated like he is he only barks when his food bowl is empty! And he never whines! He is so content as long as he has his stuffie, tennis ball, and bully stick."
See the video HERE:
Gus's ailments and treatments are coming along--but he needs a foster home where he can be segregated from other dogs due to his skin conditions. AND an adopter would be wonderful!!!!
THRU THE JOEY FUND, and the public contributions that help to keep it's coffers filled, THIS MIRACLE IS HAPPENING NOW!!
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE to the wonderful things being done for animals like GUS ,who are ill, hurt, broken, or suffering from a curable, treatable ailment--PLEASE DO!!!
Donations can be sent to KAREN JOSEPHSON, Director of the Montgomery County Animal Control at the Animal Control address --make sure your donations are marked for "JOEY'S FUND" at :
616 North Spring Street,
Clarksville, TN 37040
You can also reach Karen at or by phone at 931-648-5750.
PLEASE help to keep this fund replentished so that the miracles of LIFE can keep happening for animals who have lost everything. Thru your contributions--JOEYS FUNDcan assure that these pitiful animals finally FIND HOPE!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Yes, I know. The need to help animals who have been injured, mistreated, or have ailments that require expensive medical care recently has been massive.
But if we don't try to make things better--if we sit and do nothing--then how will we stand before God and explain to him how we chose not to reach out to a thing that he created, that he gave breath and life to, that can love and feel pain--something HE MADE FOR US????
BIG RED is one of God's creatures in NEED of medical assistance.
This year old,Mastiff mix pup found his way into the loving care of the Humane Society of Dover-Stewart County a few weeks ago. You may remember that the Dover HS were the ones who helped save a couple of sweet hearted pit bulls named Naome and Angel from meeting an untimely end from being dumped on the roadsides of Stewart County. Both animals were eaten up with mange, which required intense treatment that PET LOVERS LIKE YOU stepped up and helped fund.
Naome and Angel went on to be healthy and happy--and ADOPTED! The same was hoped for BIG RED. But when Red arrived, he was terribly under weight and a bit banged up. It soon became obvious he was broken in more ways than one.
Red was limping and favoring one of his back legs. A trip to the vet and a round of X-rays determined it's cause. At one time, Big Red had been injured severely, perhaps hit by a vehicle or abused in some way. But whatever the cause, since his injury his hip joint has been bone on bone.
You can imagine how much pain this precious dog has been in. Pain is a funny thing. It can crush a spirit--it can cause an animal to be honery and defensive. But this courageous animal has held on, hisgentle demeanor and loving eyes still aglow with something that he needs now more than ever: HOPE. Red has always had a kiss and a somber look for anyone who offered him a gentle touch.
The volunteers of the Dover Humane Society have extended their hand to this creature to assure him that WE CARE and that everything is going to be OK.
Right now, the estimate on a hip surgery to help BIG RED is 400 to 500 dollars. He is being treated by the same wonderful people who took care of Naome and Angel--the North Stewart Vet Clinic at 1613 Hwy 79 in Dover.
So once again, I send out the call for help. We have a animal who needs to be able to walk again without the grinding PAIN that is destroying whats left of his hip. We need to raise that 500 dollars, and assure that this creature of God will walk again.
PRAYER is still the base of all things of this matter, and I ask that anyone who would, include RED and this cause in your prayers. If God did not mean for him to live, he would not have led him to this group of loving people so that his life could be saved.
But yes--I'm going to ask again---that those who can donate to his surgery.
FIVE DOLLARS is all I'm going to ask for. It fits ANY budget--and hopefully--it won't put anyone in financial despair.
BUT THIS TIME--theres a catch. I want every one of you who feels the need to give to help RED, to reach out another person with his story, and ask them if they can help too. If we reach 100 people--we CAN HELP RED $5 dollars at a time!
Reach out your hand in faith to this dog who needs the ability to walk without pain again. In prayer, in donation, and most of all--in love.
With God on Red's side, I believe we can do this.
If you would like to help with Big's surgery, you may call North Stewart Vet Clinic to donate over phone at 931.232.9900; or mail-in to: 1613 Hwy 79, Dover, TN 37058.
Thank you.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Awhile back, a little dog was surrendered to the Clarksville Animal Control who had had both of his front legs broken by an abuser.
He was a little terrier named Joey.
The owner of the dog could not afford medical care for him, and the only place for him at the time of the incident was the pound. Now, the thing is, this is a county funded operation. There are no funds to save animals who have had this type of torture inflicted on them, or are ill, or have any type of physical problem that would otherwise mark them for immediate departure across the Rainbow Bridge.
In my columns and blogs, I speak alot about God, and my belief that he puts us all in the right place at the right time to fill needs and tackle situations that average folks deem hopeless.
It could never be more evident than in this story.
God has a plan for Joey--and he placed Director of Animal Control Karen Josephson in the right place, at the right time, to step between Joey and death.
Karen stepped out on faith, and placed this little wonder dog under medical care, paid for out of her own pocket. Once it was determined what type of surgery and recovery time Joey would need to successfully walk again, the word was put out to the pet loving public, and everyone jumped in to help raise money to pay the medical costs for Joey's legs to be surgically repaired.
Thus began JOEY'S FUND--a reserved fiscal pot of love,care, and devotion, given by everyday folks in whatever increment they could spare, so that those who come to animal control in dire need can be cared for and given that second chance to fulfill their God given destiny of being someones most faithful companion.
Today, JOEY(pictured here) is well, and WALKING. Joey's story, and a community who was willing to step out on faith and give of their hearts, their prayers, and their wallets, is a testament to what faith and giving can accomplish.
TODAY---There is another need, and another call must be sent out to the true believers to once again "step out on faith" to assure another furry soul gets the chance they deserve to live.

This little girl is Ava. She, like Joey, has suffered an accident that could have marked her for immediate destruction. But thanks to the willingness of our AC Director, AVA can live to walk and play, and be some little boy or girls best pal in the whole wide world.
This is the information posted via Facebook by the Montgomery County Friends of the Shelter:
AVAwas brought into Animal Control by her owner because she had a fractured leg after being stepped on and he couldn't afford to pay for it. Instead of euthanizing her, Director Karen Josephson, got her medical attention as she does many of the animals that come in in need. These services are paid for by good samaritans like you who care about animals. If you would like to donate to this cause, please send contributions to Animal Control designating them for the "Joey Fund". Ava is safe in a foster home now through MCFOTS and will be available for adoption when she is released from Animal Hospital's medical care.
So once again, I send out the call to the faithful, and drop the $5 dollar challenge at your feet.
FIVE DOLLARS--that's all I'm asking for. For one day, skip a pack of smokes, or a coffee, or your candy bar and coke at break time--and drop FIVE BUCKS into the pot so that LIFE can continue for this sweet little furry soul.
FIVE BUCKS--thats five $1 dollar bills-----or 20 Quarters---or 50 dimes-- or 100 nickels,--or 500 pennies---HOWEVER YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO GIVE IT!
I don't think the Lord would hold back on blessing your heart and your effort to help because your donation was in change! If that's the case--I am already in BIG TROUBLE!
You can drop it off or mail it to :
Karen Josephson
Clarksville Animal Control
616 North Spring Street
Clarksville, TN 37040-3142
If you would like information on Joey's Fund--you can send an email to Karen's attention at or call (931) 648-5750.
If you would like to contact Friends of the Shelter, who will handle Ava's foster placement and her future adoption (once she is released from medical care)contact them at or visit their Facebook Page under "Montgomery County Friends of the Shelter".
Let's join together, and help aid yet another animal who needs out help by contributing to JOEY'S FUND and making sure there is always something in the pot to help an animal in need!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Back before Christmas, I shared the need of a dog who had been shot, it's hip shattered. Her leg and spine were being flopped all over because there was nothing left to hold it together. She had a "S" shape that made my heart break into a million pieces. The Hickman County Humane Society was trying desperately to raise the funds needed to have the leg amputated so there would not be horrific damage to the rest of her body.
If this could not be accomplished, Zeina was to be euthanized.
But as usual, everyone came to bat for this sweet baby.
Pictured here , little Zeina, minus a leg--BUT ALIVE! She is recovering nicely and the HHS hopes to have her up for adoption very soon. She is a brave girl who deserves a second chance!
Thank you all--and THANKYOU GOD!
I admit, I worry about the future.
Today's average human doesn't put much value on LIFE--unless it's their own. Be it human, animal or vegetable--no one cares anymore. The fact that things live, breath, AND FEEL just doesn't stack up against MEMEME all the time. Everything is disposable--animals, babies, our elderly--nothing is too good to be thrown away once we have gotten what we consider USE out of it.
So many animals are dying right now because of abuse, neglect, or some other horrible form of mistreatment. Many suffer horribly before their "owners" dump them off at the pound to become "someone elses headache".
Those head aches usually don't LIVE very long. The needle ends them swiftly--and I pray to God--painlessly.
So what happens when a new generation grows up? What values are we leaving them?? When our genration has gone--who will fight for the animals????
One little girl in Clarksville is redeeming my faith in the future.
Little Payton Hall is working to raise money for the Precious Friends Puppy Rescue in C-ville. She is doing it as a project to obtain her Girl Scout Silver Award--but I suspect this little dear heart is doing it for another reason too: she is a future animal warrior. Just like most of you who read this blog faithfully, I believe she will one day be "in the trenches" with us, saving the precious lives of dogs and cats who have been thrown aside to fend for themselves by unforgiving people.
No pressure Payton (wink)!
Payton made a deal with local car merchants, JENKINS AND WYNN. They pledged to donate $1 for every "LIKE" they received on their FACEBOOK page thru Payton's efforts to help the rescue. The goal by the end of January is to be 1000 likes.
Think about it--every time a new person LIKES Jenkins and Wynn, Precious Friends gets a dollar to help them in their mission. This organization already saves 5000 puppies each year from being euthanized--MANY FROM OUR OWN ANIMAL CONTROL!
Not only do they save pups--but I have personally been involved in efforts to rescue smaller breed dogs and even BIG DOGS from the Animal Control. If they can help--Precious Friends has been there.
Payton Hall is one of my new heroes. It makes me proud to see a young heart find love and understanding to take a stand for the small, innocent creatures that God created. Without Payton, and others like her, they are truly doomed.
So GO LIKE "JENKINS AND WYNN" on FACEBOOK and get that DOLLAR for Precious Friends.
Or if you feel so inclined, send the a check at
Precious Friends
114 Kraft Street
Building D
Clarksville, TN 37040
You can also visit them on the web at :
Also--send Payton Hall a big THANK YOU and congratulate her on being such a fine, upstanding young lady! You can contact Payton at
Doesn't it make you proud to know that children like this are a part of our nation?
With Payton and more like her working for the animals, I pray that her's will be the generation that can PROUDLY CLAIM that THEY SAVED THEM ALL!
Today's average human doesn't put much value on LIFE--unless it's their own. Be it human, animal or vegetable--no one cares anymore. The fact that things live, breath, AND FEEL just doesn't stack up against MEMEME all the time. Everything is disposable--animals, babies, our elderly--nothing is too good to be thrown away once we have gotten what we consider USE out of it.
So many animals are dying right now because of abuse, neglect, or some other horrible form of mistreatment. Many suffer horribly before their "owners" dump them off at the pound to become "someone elses headache".
Those head aches usually don't LIVE very long. The needle ends them swiftly--and I pray to God--painlessly.
So what happens when a new generation grows up? What values are we leaving them?? When our genration has gone--who will fight for the animals????
One little girl in Clarksville is redeeming my faith in the future.
Little Payton Hall is working to raise money for the Precious Friends Puppy Rescue in C-ville. She is doing it as a project to obtain her Girl Scout Silver Award--but I suspect this little dear heart is doing it for another reason too: she is a future animal warrior. Just like most of you who read this blog faithfully, I believe she will one day be "in the trenches" with us, saving the precious lives of dogs and cats who have been thrown aside to fend for themselves by unforgiving people.
No pressure Payton (wink)!
Payton made a deal with local car merchants, JENKINS AND WYNN. They pledged to donate $1 for every "LIKE" they received on their FACEBOOK page thru Payton's efforts to help the rescue. The goal by the end of January is to be 1000 likes.
Think about it--every time a new person LIKES Jenkins and Wynn, Precious Friends gets a dollar to help them in their mission. This organization already saves 5000 puppies each year from being euthanized--MANY FROM OUR OWN ANIMAL CONTROL!
Not only do they save pups--but I have personally been involved in efforts to rescue smaller breed dogs and even BIG DOGS from the Animal Control. If they can help--Precious Friends has been there.
Payton Hall is one of my new heroes. It makes me proud to see a young heart find love and understanding to take a stand for the small, innocent creatures that God created. Without Payton, and others like her, they are truly doomed.
So GO LIKE "JENKINS AND WYNN" on FACEBOOK and get that DOLLAR for Precious Friends.
Or if you feel so inclined, send the a check at
Precious Friends
114 Kraft Street
Building D
Clarksville, TN 37040
You can also visit them on the web at :
Also--send Payton Hall a big THANK YOU and congratulate her on being such a fine, upstanding young lady! You can contact Payton at
Doesn't it make you proud to know that children like this are a part of our nation?
With Payton and more like her working for the animals, I pray that her's will be the generation that can PROUDLY CLAIM that THEY SAVED THEM ALL!
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