Rafi Johnson as she works to correct the vanalism done to her rescue vehicle last weekend. Someone poured sugar water into her gas tank, cauing terrible damage to the engine.
Christmas time has a special effect on people. Maybe it’s the change in the weather. Maybe it’s
the green holly and silver garlands that dress every window and tree
trunk. Perhaps it’s the smell of
peppermint candy and baking cookies. Whatever the stimulus, Christmas time makes
a heart grow two sizes and begin to feel a special love and peace.
But even the spirit of Christmas can’t change all hearts.
On Saturday night, December 8th, someone
poured sugar water into the gas tank of the rescue vehicle used by Willies
Happy Endings Animal Rescue in Woodlawn TN.
Willies Happy Endings is a nonprofit rescue that provides
older animals a place to “retire”. Shelter founder and animal lover, Rafi
Johnson, has helped many animals with illnesses and handicaps live out their
golden years in love, comfort, and in a place they can call home. Johnson has
also reached out to other animals in need, volunteering at the Clarksville
Animal Control, and working diligently with other rescues to help animals find
that forever place in someone’s heart.
It is unknown at this time why the Nissan XTerra,
lovingly called the “ WHE Waggin” was vandalized. But the effect of the damage has rippled
outward in dangerous ways. What started
as a mean prank and act of stupidity by some careless person or persons unknown
almost cost Rafi Johnson, and her two young children, serious injury.
After leaving her Woodlawn home and attempting to
enter the highway, the vehicle died, causing the brakes and steering to lock up.
Johnson was unable to brake at a stop sign and rolled out into oncoming traffic
that was traveling at the disabled vehicle at 55 mph.
The WHE Wagin, escaped collision by the grace of
the good Lord and no one was hurt.
But now, the WHE Waggin needs extensive repair.
Johnson has already placed over four hundred dollars toward fixing the vehicle,
but it will need more work to run correctly and be brought back to its previous
The vehicle known as the WHE Waggin is more than
just a set of wheels. It is a symbol of hope in the animal rescue
The yellow SUV has provided transport for countless
pups and kitties, abandoned in empty houses or dumped along roadsides. This vehicle has provided many of what
Johnson calls “Freedom Rides” for the animals she has saved from certain
destruction at Clarksville Animal Control. Not only does this vehicle provide
escape for condemned animals, but it provides the vital daily transportation
for rescue business. Vet visits, picking
up donations of food and litter, and countless other tasks are done in the WHE
But of all of its functions, the
most important is that of carrying precious cargo to forever homes and
places in the heart.
What I’m asking of you today is simple.
I am asking
for you to join me in donating FIVE DOLLARS to the repair of this vital tool that supports Willies Happy Endings.
I’m asking you to GET ON THE WAGGIN!!!
Donate FIVE DOLLARS. That’s all.
If you have a
HUNDRED, I’m not going to poo poo you away.
But FIVE DOLLARS is all I’m asking.
How about this? I’ll get the ball rolling with
TWENTY! (Done)
Made via gofundme or paypal to
the Willie Happy Endings site and earmarked for the WHE WAGGIN FUND.
You can also call and donate directly to North Stewart
vet clinic at 931- 232-9900.
Christmas is a time of miracles. Together, we can
help this shelter back on its wheels so that many, many more freedom rides and
forever home drives can be given to those in need.